Friday, October 7, 2011

Sea day

We all relaxed today and I decided to read a non classroom book. So am actually reading two: The Eighth Man by drama Prof. Michael Williams (he is a man of many, many parts! A crime novel set in a Cape Town township.
Also Skinners Drift by Lisa Fugard (Athol Fugard's actress daughter). So I am steeped in South Africa and loving it. Strange connection here between theatre and novel writing. In both one enters the lives and personalities of others I suppose. Wish I could really write...novels and memoirs...or plays. When I read these I have mentioned I am filled with admiration at the quality of the writing by two people who both have other careers!

We took Jeannie for a special 'farewell' dinner last night. It was very good but oh so filling. We have all been feeling tired and relaxed today, I am sure the result of too much food. There were just 5 of us, Terry and Alfred Hunt, Jeannie and ourselves...a happy and talk filled meal. Alfred is such a funny, sweet guy who won an Olympic competition to make the judges laugh. I do that when I see him approaching because I know he will make a witty he cracks me up in anticipation.

Jeannie, Terry and Alfred were invited to the Captain's lunch today (everyone goes eventually). Fortunately it was light. George and I had salad on the pool deck and read our books. Tomorrow we gather our extended family together in our cabin for pizza, soft drinks and chat. Our Kenyan student, Gerry, is so happy to be able to talk to Jeannie about her home, Nairobi. Although Jeannie lives in Naivasha she must make the almost 2 hour drive to the city to get provisions often. They have made plans to get together in the future. They all enjoy our cabin's spaciousness but hopefully tomorrow we can sit on our balcony and enjoy the sunshine.

Our acting class today had to dance to the first line of a poem of their choice. It was amazing to watch them and realise how much they have grown and relaxed into Michael's class. They were so graceful and artistic, a far cry from the play they have just done so successfully....see them on Facebook.

George is sound asleep already (we are losing hours) and it's only 9.50 pm! That's what the sea motion, wine and good food do for you! I must follow him.

You are all 9 hours behind so at work or on your computers or simply enjoying a beautiful Ontario Fall day. Have a good one.

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