Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Rough Day

Huge seas today as we plough our way towards South Africa. The ship is rolling, pitching and shuddering and quite a few passengers are feeling under the weather with colds, fevers and just plain sea sickness. So far, touch wood hard, I'm fine.

I have been thinking of Troy Davis in Georgia today. He has been incarcerated for 22 years and in spite of protestations of innocence will be executed at 7 pm tonight. I believe there is something cold blooded and savage about execution no matter whether it is by hanging or by lethal injection. A person's life is being snuffed out by another me that is just as much a murder as that committed by a deranged killer.
I feel pride that Canada no longer has a death penalty...only then can we be sure that an innocent person is not killed by law.

Brenda has not been feeling 100% for a couple of days but I think may finally, after alot of sleeping (Gravol induced) today, have licked it. I hope we are all well for our visit to South Africa. Looking forward to greeting Jeannie but not to losing Brenda. Everyone wishes she could stay on for the whole voyage...with Evelyn Hannon who has been such a joy to spend time with. They will be flying to Toronto from Jo'burg together via Zurich.

Today is rather a blah day, lots of waves and white caps out at sea, lots of rocking around inside, rehearsal at 5 pm (I am now the prompt!) for our acting class and finally a drink at 6 pm in the lounge. George and I have been going to bed early after watching Alan Bennett films in our cabin. Great fun!

Tomorrow we have a "girls night out" with our extended family, Emma, Rachel, Gerry and Lilly, plus Brenda, Evelyn and me. We shall start off in our cabin with soft drinks and go on to supper in the garden dining room but have to disperse for the Logistical Pre-port in the Union. Also at 7 pm there will be a performance (dress rehearsal) of the African play I am prompting (yes Michael wants me there sitting at the side)! They will perform it in a township school on our first day. They will have to cope without me then! Meeting Ali and Geoff in the Table Bay Hotel before setting off for Calitzdorp where we shall be staying on a guest farm and meeting Joan and Trevor Teeton for dinner. Ali and Joan and I all went to school together!

2 more sleeps!

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