Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day before Montreal

24th August

Yesterday blossomed from 'misty moisty', as we say in Scotland, to blue skies and bright sunshine, a few white caps but a great sea day. We attended a Faculty meeting during the morning and broke up into groups to discuss certain relevant ship board topics. For 'spice' (as I prefer to call spouses snd family members)it was a chance to have input and an indirect voice. This was not given to us on previous voyages which was,to my mind, a missed opportunity.

George and I had a quiet lunch together, a small necessary break from being social. Personal space had been a point of dicussion during the morning because it is so important when one (student,faculty member or family) is constantly in the close company of others. Both of us have always respected that need in each other too....the 'wisdom' which comes the second time around!

This is our last day sans students, tomorrow everything changes and in a sense
we 'lose' the ship! Suddenly there are young excited voices in the air and a crush of young bodies everywhere. At first there is a slight wariness and uncertainty which soon vanishes as they get to know each other and that incomparable confidence of American youth re-emerges!

We met some interesting people yesterday many of whom will disembark in Montreal. All have connections with Semester at Sea in one way or another. We sat with an elderly man on his own at breakfast. He came from Chicago and his sons had been students on board We talked of his life as a naval pilot on an aircraft carrier, a Navy Aviator, and as we spoke his family gradually appeared; his delightful son in law (Huge sense of humour for that time in the morning) and daughter (who came directly from a Tai chi class) and finally his petite and charming wife who told me of her life as a navy wife (19 moves in 21 years) with her 5 'babies'. Their eldest daughter, a physician, is playing a significant role in the Sino American Forum. On of my secret weapons is to be a 'listener'...there are a few good ones on board but most are entertainig self promoters! As I discovered all those years as a Sexual Assault counsellor, you learn such alot by simply asking the right questions and actually hearing the responses. SACHA you trained me well!

In conversation with a delightful woman in the lounge last night we talked of her experience adopting a young girl from Vietnam, and her subsequent visit (with a Presidential Commission!) many years later accompanied by her daughter. The meeting with family members and her daughter's feelings at that time. (Pam I spoke of you). She showed me photos of this daughter now married in the States ,her husband and two children. Then she produced a photo of her son and said casually 'He married Chelsea' and pulled out a full family photo at the wedding with the two Clintons, her husband, herself and the happy couple! Being Canadian stopped me from screaming out "That's Hillary and Bill Clinton!"....but only just....I kept, by a fragile thread, my British composure! I said calmly 'Chelsea's mum is looking tired these days' a thought I have often when watching the BBC news. She responded 'She is.' Never a dull moment on the MV Explorer.

I read of the 'earthquake' and wondered how strong it was for you all at home? I'll now read your comments on FB. Miss you!


f A

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